As the internet has evolved over the years, the screen resolution in display hardware has increased in size significantly. This has posed a challenge for website designers, because a website which was designed just a few years ago could actually look terrible on the latest computers running at very high screen resolution.
We have addressed this challenge by using HTML5 technology which is future proof, meaning your website can still look amazing in the future, even as the ongoing trend for higher resolution screen displays continues.
If you present your logo within a banner image (header bar image), it can automatically expand to fit the widest screens. Similarly, it will shrink to fit the screen width on mobile phone handset browsers.
If you only have a small image to use as your logo, that is not a problem. You have the option to use that small logo picture and the logo background area can expand or shrink to fit different screen sizes.
These improvements can ensure your website looks stylish and attractive today and our technology has the flexibility to make sure your website looks amazing in the future, as hardware manufacturers continue to produce internet devices at higher and higher screen resolutions.