Demonstration Website

NEW - Improved Search Engine Optimisation

We have made it even easier for you to optimise your web pages and gallery pages for search engines. Every time you add content to your website, scroll to the bottom and add the following:

  • URL Filename
    Example in bold:
  • Meta Title
    This is the blue title on the Google search results.
  • Meta Description
    This is the snippet description on the Google search results.

It will only take a few minutes to add this information for each web page and we believe it can make a significant difference to your SEO efforts. As you add your content, try not to let your text spill out of the boxes we provide.

In summary, we encourage you to optimise your web pages in the following areas:

  • Heading.
  • Intro Text (on gallery items).
  • Main Text (this is your page text).
  • URL Filename.
  • Meta Title.
  • Meta Description.

As a general rule, it is best to write in plain English. It is important to write your content for real people and not for search engines and make sure you do not get bogged down with thinking too much about keywords. For example, if you were writing a letter to a colleague, you would avoid word repetition, and the same rationale should apply to your web pages.

Mailing List
My Footer Text

In this section, put a short description to summarise your website.

This is the new website 'Footer' and it includes two contact form features, so that people can join your mailing list or get in touch with you.

This is completely new and we have introduce a new section in our website toolkit for you to create a 'Footer'. It sits at the bottom of the screen across the entire website and it comprises of 4 main elements:

1. Logo (a smaller version of your logo which appears at the top of your website).
2. Mailing list contact form.
3. Text area, for you to summarise your website description.
4. Contact form.

You can turn these elements on or off, according to your preference.

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